Monday, November 26, 2007

Our cup runneth over!

At the close of this Thanksgiving holiday, I am so grateful for our countless blessings.
Here are a few of my favorites from A to Z:

A - A healthy body
B - Bradley and my Boys
C - Cousins and Christmas Cards (They've already begun to arrive!)
D - My adorable Daddy
E - English Toffee
F - Family reunions and Funny jokes
G - Gum and Games...forgive me when I get too competitive.
H - Home, Hot weather and Hand lotion
I - My wonderful In-laws...all of them.
J - Jesus Christ, my Savior
K - Kite flying and Kisses
L - Lee (my only brother) and Laughing (these usually go together)
M - My beautiful, dear Mom
N - Neices and Naps
O - Outstanding friends
P - Peanut Butter
Q - Q-tips...seriously, I'd go crazy without them.
R - Rolls with butter, Rain and Reading
S - Sisters! and Sappy movies (these can go together, too)
T - Temecula and Trees (All kinds except Palms...I live in the wrong state!)
U - United States of America...aren't we blessed?!
V - Vacations
W - Walks with the family
X - Xtreme sports (well, not too extreme, but I like to have fun and there weren't many X options to choose from!)
Y - Yoga
Z - Zoning out once in a while

(PS...I copied this cute idea from Riley, who said she copied from Heidi. I hope that is o.k.)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

We are excited for all of Brad's family to get into town on Wednesday. We have a four day, fun-filled agenda, so that should give me something to blog about. In the meantime, here are some pictures that we took at my niece Allyse's wedding. She has just released her first CD. It is beautiful. Check out her website at

Monday, November 12, 2007

Here we go!

After encouragement, pressure, and an intervention...I'm ready to take the blogging plunge. Now I just need Julie to come back over and help me figure out how to get some photos on here.