Monday, November 26, 2007

Our cup runneth over!

At the close of this Thanksgiving holiday, I am so grateful for our countless blessings.
Here are a few of my favorites from A to Z:

A - A healthy body
B - Bradley and my Boys
C - Cousins and Christmas Cards (They've already begun to arrive!)
D - My adorable Daddy
E - English Toffee
F - Family reunions and Funny jokes
G - Gum and Games...forgive me when I get too competitive.
H - Home, Hot weather and Hand lotion
I - My wonderful In-laws...all of them.
J - Jesus Christ, my Savior
K - Kite flying and Kisses
L - Lee (my only brother) and Laughing (these usually go together)
M - My beautiful, dear Mom
N - Neices and Naps
O - Outstanding friends
P - Peanut Butter
Q - Q-tips...seriously, I'd go crazy without them.
R - Rolls with butter, Rain and Reading
S - Sisters! and Sappy movies (these can go together, too)
T - Temecula and Trees (All kinds except Palms...I live in the wrong state!)
U - United States of America...aren't we blessed?!
V - Vacations
W - Walks with the family
X - Xtreme sports (well, not too extreme, but I like to have fun and there weren't many X options to choose from!)
Y - Yoga
Z - Zoning out once in a while

(PS...I copied this cute idea from Riley, who said she copied from Heidi. I hope that is o.k.)


Lara said...

What a cute idea! Love all of them!

Naomi said...

Oh, I love Sisters too! I have really been missing mine lately--you are SO lucky to have one so near . . .

I also love, love, love naps. There is nothing better than getting in a really good nap. I also like staying up way too late--that must be why naps come in handy!

Such a fun list!

heidi said...

I love all the things you are grateful for.

Emmy said...

This was so fun to read, Roberta. But, naps? What are those? Promise me that one day I will get them again. . . :)

Tristen said...

Roberta! I just found your blog today, it was so good to see your adorable family! Please tell Brad that we said hello!

Tristen and Ken Lawrence (

Julie said...

I don't think I've ever seen you "zone out"'re either going, going, going...or you're asleep!!! But, just like "X" what are the other viable options...hmmmm...zucchini, because you have it frozen in 2 cup increments for ease of baking...or zippers, they are really handy!

ps-I'm grateful for you, too!

kEllY said...

Roberta, that is a great list of things to be grateful for. Doesn't this season just make you feel all warm and cozy?